Why the other side is always stupid
It is just the law of numbers at work. In a standard distribution, average intelligence is at the top center of the hump. However, we really don’t count you as smart until you are substantially farther up the curve than average. Stupid, however, well, if you live anywhere below the top of the hump, then you get to own that dumbass badge.
It is just the law of numbers at work. In a standard distribution, average intelligence is at the top center of the hump. However, we really don’t count you as smart until you are substantially farther up the curve than average. Stupid, however, well, if you live anywhere below the top of the hump, then you get to own that dumbass badge.

This is why the “other side” of any argument always looks like it is highly correlated with idiots. That is because everything, no matter what side, is highly correlated with idiots. No matter your viewpoint, the standard distributions will apply, and by definition, at least half of those people will be below average intelligence, hence stupid.